Team Cowell Teacher and PE/Sports Subject Lead/DT Subject Lead

Mrs Graham
Mrs Graham completed her BA Honours degree in Primary Education, with specialism in Physical Education, at Edge Hill University in 2010. After two years teaching in a large Primary School in Darlington Mrs Graham joined Stanley Crook Primary School in 2012 and has taught throughout the school in both Key Stages 1 and 2. At the moment she is enjoying teaching in Year 3.
Mrs Graham is enthusiastic about improving outcomes for all children across the school and is currently, she has gained National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership.
Mrs Graham’s passion for PE ensures she is constantly striving to improve provision across the school in her role as our PE and School Sports Lead. Her aim is to provide an inclusive PE curriculum which allows all children to participate in a wide range of sports and the opportunity to experience competition through attendance at festivals and whole school events.
When she isn’t in school, Mrs Graham enjoys being with her daughter and son, doing Ballroom and Latin Dancing, going to the theatre and spending time with her family and friends.