Our Governing Body

Governors work closely with Mrs Norris (Headteacher), school staff and representatives from the local authority (LA).

Effective Governance

The purpose of governance

  1. The purpose of governance is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership which leads to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.
  2. All governance boards, no matter what type of school or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

To contact the Chair of the Governing Body, please call 01388762858 – or, write to:

Mrs Catherine Lawes
Chair of Governors
c/o Stanley Crook Primary School
Wooley Terrace
Stanley Crook
DL15 9AN

Governor’s Committee Structure

Committees and Chairs:

  • Appeals Committee – Dr Walton
  • Behaviour and Safety Committee – Mrs Lawes
  • Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee – Miss Robinson
  • First Committee/ Pay Review – Mrs Lawes
  • Headteacher Performance Committee – Mrs Lawes
  • Standards, Achievements and Curriculum Committee – Mrs Glasper

For further information on who our governors are and what they do, please click on each name below:

NameRepresentingStart DateTerm of OfficeCommitteeResponsibilitiesRegister of Governors InterestsRelationship to Staff
Mrs Michelle NorrisStaff – Headteacher04.09.2024N/AECM
Behaviour and Safety
Finance, Premises and Personnel
Standards, Achievement and Curriculum
Leadership and Management of the schoolNoneNA
Mrs Catherine Lawes – ChairChair of Governing Body
01.09.201207.09.2024 – 06.09.2028Behaviour and Safety (Chair)
First/ Pay Review (Chair)
Headteachers Performance (Chair)
Child Protection
Performance Management
Healthy Schools
Health and Safety
Mrs Rachel WilkinsonCo-Opted staff13.06.2413.06.24 – 12.06.28
Mrs Danni MartinStaff15.11.24 15.11.24 – 14.11.28NA
Councillor Richard ManchesterLocal Authority (Deputy Vice Chair)07.02.201807.02.2022 – 06.02.2026First/ Pay Review
Headteacher Performance
Community Liaison and Improvement
Performance Management
County Councillor of Tow Law division for Durham County Council and LA Rep at Tow Law Millennium SchoolNA
Mrs Lyndsey GlasperVice Chair of Governing Body
Parent Appointed
28.01.201928.01.2023 – 27.01.2027Standards, Achievement and Curriculum (Chair)
Behaviour and Safety
PE (including Sports Premium)
Mrs Emily HunterCo-Opted14.06.201914.06.2023 – 13.06.2027Standards, Achievement and Curriculum
Well-being (Pupils/ Staff)
Design and Technology
Miss Leanne RobinsonCo-Opted10.01.202210.01.2022 – 09.01.2026Finance, Premises and Personnel (Chair),
First/ Pay Review
Miss Alison HallibutonCo-Opted01.02.202201.02.2022 – 31.01.2026Standards, Achievement and CurriculumMathematics
Dr Nicholas WaltonParent Appointed02.03.202302.03.2023 – 01.03.2027Standards, Achievement and Curriculum
Early Years
Mr Ben HaymanAssociate Appointed (no committee membership or voting rights)04.11.201424.04.2023 – 23.04.2025NANANone

Governor meetings are held at least every term during which important areas of school improvement are discussed. Each Governor also has an area of responsibility to monitor which is linked to the School Improvement Plan and reports on performance in this area through regular monitoring visits. Feedback from monitoring visits is used to challenge the school leadership team and is used to target areas for improvement to improve provision within our school.

How To Become A School Governor

If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Stanley Crook Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. For further information please view or download the documents below.

Record of Governor’s Attendance 2024-2025

Schools are now required to display a record of Governor’s attendance at meetings for each school academic year. The table below provides Governor attendance information across 2024 and 2025 academic years, to date.

/   – Attended meeting
A/A   – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N   – Did not attend
X  – Not a member of the committee
NA – Not Applicable

NameFull Meeting Autumn Term 2024 NovemberFull Meeting Spring Term 2025 MarchFull Meeting Summer Term 2025Pay Review Committee October 2024Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee December 2024Standards, Achievement and Curriculum Committee January 2025Headteacher Appraisal November 2024
Mrs M Norris/  ////
Mrs C Lawes/  /NANA/
Mrs D Martin/  NANANANA
Mrs R Wilkinson/  NANANANA
Councillor R Manchester/  NNANA/
Mrs L Glasper/  NANA/NA
Mrs E Hunter/  NA/A/ANA
Miss L Robinson/  //NA/
Dr N Walton/  NANA/NA
Miss A Halliburton/  NANA/NA

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