RE Subject Lead: Mrs Martin
RE Link Governor: Mrs Glasper
By following Durham County Council’s Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, pupils will build religious literacy by:
- developing knowledge and understanding of religious and non-religious worldviews
- becoming increasingly able to respond to religious and non-religious worldviews in an informed and insightful way
- reflecting on their own ideas and the ideas of others.
In the Agreed Syllabus there are three elements of Religious Education and these cover the aims above:
- Knowledge and Understanding
- Critical Thinking
- Personal Reflection
In KS1, Christianity and Buddhism are taught, along with a unit on Humanist beliefs
In KS2, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism are taught.
These religions are taught through the following four concepts, which are one way in which a religion can be defined. Each concept conveys a fundamental idea for understanding what religion is and how religion works.
- Belief
- Authority
- Expressions of Belief
- Impact of Belief
Children will:
- develop & increase their knowledge & understanding of religions, beliefs & cultures in their own locality, Britain and globally.
- develop positive attitudes of respect towards people who hold views and beliefs different from their own, and towards living in a society of diverse religions and beliefs.
- develop their knowledge & understanding of religion & culture.
- develop their capacity to engage with ‘big questions’ about the world.
- develop their own sense of identity & understand what is important to them.
- know & use religious vocabulary to develop rich knowledge & progression in thinking.
- be equipped with the vocabulary needed to ask meaningful questions that extend their own understanding of a subject.
We encourage visitors from and visits to local places of worship and the use of imagery and artefacts to bring this subject alive for pupils. Pupils visit a range of local and regional places of worship in support of their learning.
RE mixed age rolling programme
R.E. – Hinduism, Puja
In R.E we’ve been thinking about recognising, naming and describing some religious artefacts, places and practises by learning about the Hindu ritual of Puja ????
We enjoyed investigating the puja tray, what each item is used for and how it involves our five senses. We had fun setting up our own shrine with offerings for the murtis and moving through the ritual. Some of us enjoyed having a Bindi placed on our forehead. We did such a super job that Mr Christie came to have a look at our lovely shrine!
Today in RE, we have been learning all about Harvest!
The children all watched a video about Harvest and then year one completed some work to explain what people do in church during Harvest festival.
Reception have focussed on the different things that happen durning Harvest; drew pictures of these and then practised writing the initial sounds for each picture.
We have also had lots of Harvest themed activities set up in the areas which the children have all enjoyed completing.
Well done Team Donaldson!
Churches and Worship
Year 1 have been producing some fantastic RE work about churches and worship, we are very proud of our church drawings!