Team Walliams Activities

Welcome to Team Walliams Activities


During our computing unit, we have created numerous vector drawings using the tools copy, paste, zoom, layering and grouping. We have produced some excellent drawings.


In Design Technology today, we have investigated a range of products that incorporate lighting- lamps, torches & nightlights. We discussed the function of each light and thought about key features to include in our own designs in preparation to produce our own.💡


For our core text this half term we are reading Dark Sky Park in English. This is a poetry book and we have so far, been composing our own poems about volcanoes and underwater volcanic eruptions. These are known as black smokers.


In Science today, we modelled the Digestive System by completing a very interesting experiment. We discussed subject specific vocabulary including intestines, enzymes, rectum and anus to ensure pupils had a good understanding of key terms. We investigated the route food takes within the digestive system and how and what is left as waste.

Science- Captain Chemistry delivered a very exciting and engaging workshop in Team Walliams this week. We completed an activity on the classification of animals linked to our prior knowledge last term and investigated a number of different animal skulls. We also dissected owl faeces to investigate the bones of which animals they had eaten.

We love to read!

We have enjoyed reading Accelerated Reader books and BigCat Books to our friends!


We have enjoyed completing Christmas activities and crafts in class this morning. At lunchtime we all had a delicious Christmas dinner, with our friends. Then this afternoon we played party games, won prizes and had a good dance at our party.


In English this week, we have wrote narratives to retell Pellegriana’s story, adding details and securing the order of events. We thought of other Fairy tales that linked with our core text book and discussed features of a typical Traditional Tale.

Thank you to Mrs Corrigan for creating a wonderful writing display! ????✏️


As part of Maths week this week, we have enjoyed taking part in some problem solving activities. We worked in small groups to solve some tricky problems.


We enjoyed a very interesting morning, discussing the process of mummification. The Egyptians believed that the body was the soul’s home. The process involved removing all of the moisture from the body, which did not decay. We recreated the mummification process using a tomato! ????

Can your child remember the process?


Today, in Science we have answered the following questions:

  1. Explain what ‘pitch’ means.
  2. Is pitch and loudness of a sound the same thing?
  3. Describe the relationship between pitch and frequency?
  4. How could you increase the pitch of a note played on a flute?


Maths: Year 4 have worked incredibly hard rounding to the nearest 10,100,1000 and Year 5 rounding to the nearest 10,100,1000, 1000,000.

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