Welcome to our School Council
Contributing to our British Values agenda in school is the role of our School Council. Values such as ‘Democracy’, ‘Freedom of Speech’ and ‘Respecting the views of others’ all play a crucial part in our School Council process.
Our job is to get things done in our school and we help make decisions about things we would like, such as:
- Where to go on Educational visits and why..
- What activities to do on Sports Day…
- Whether we should have iPads and iPad Mini’s and why…
Look at our toilets – did you know, some of our previous School Councillors decided on them!?
We also had a big say in our change in school uniform.
School Council meetings are held with Mrs Wilkinson (our Deputy Headteacher) once every half-term. At our recent meeting, we discussed planned school improvement projects and put forward ideas to make our playground more interesting and engaging, including raising money for a Reading Shed/ Outside Library on the playground! We also complete regular tours of school and around the EYFS outdoor area. We particularly like the stage area to improve the children’s speaking and listening skills and also the English Shed with all the equipment to encourage writing!
We are developing a campaign to re-launch ‘Smoke Free School Gates’ and have worked with We Schools to support us with these aims. We are also looking into fundraising opportunities to support with the cost of the implementation of the reduced speed limit to the1 front of our school.
Our School Council also planned the purchase of the ‘trim trails’ for our school field and we are also extremely excited to use the new Reading and Writing sheds on the playground!
For the Year 5 and Year 6 pupils, we have also played a key role in purchasing a range of outdoor equipment and seating for the Team Morpurgo outdoor area!
We are looking forward to developing our ‘raised beds’ into a vegetable garden – we hope to use some of the food we grow in the school kitchen!
In order to improve attendance further at our school, we have suggested having an improved reward scheme for the Team with the best attendance during a term – maybe a fun school trip, for example!
Our School Council has an annual budget of £500 to spend on supporting our School Improvement Priorities.
For our Christmas Performances, we planned and organised a cake and biscuit stall. We raised over £150 which will be used to support our efforts in planning further school improvements.
“We are your School Councillors! We are here to make a difference!”