SENCO and SEN Staff
Mrs Martin, our SENCO, has QTS status and 13 years teaching experience, along with the following relevant qualifications:
- PGCE in Primary Education
- National Award for SEND Co-ordination (NASENCO)
- Postgraduate Certificate in SEND & Inclusion
Since starting in role, the SENCO has participated in regular, high quality CPD in a broad range of relevant areas delivered by a diverse range of professionals.
All teaching staff (teachers and teaching assistants) are well are well trained in the four areas of need following a rigorous programme of CPD linked to supporting the needs of all children, including those with SEND and specific needs. Staff are well-placed to identify additional needs at an early stage and plan appropriate intervention. Teaching assistants are well-trained to offer a range of high quality interventions that support children across all areas of need.
More details of the SENCO’s role can be found in the SEN Policy which you can find in the School Policies section of our website.
External Specialists and Other Bodies
Staff in school enjoy positive working relationships with a wide range of professionals who provide support to children with SEND and their families, including but not limited to Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Emotional Wellbeing & Effective Learning Team, Autism & Social Communication team, Speech & Language Therapy, Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Cognition & Learning team, Counselling service & the Centre for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome.
These professionals may;
- Act in an advisory capacity; suggest interventions or support strategies that could be beneficial for the child.
- Extend expertise of school staff by providing training or resources to support specific needs.
- Complete assessments, including multi-disciplinary assessments for ADHD or ASD.
- Support a child directly through 1:1 or small group work.
- Support staff to identify outcomes for a child’s SEND Support Plan.
- Support parents with the diagnostic process, or to establish support strategies at home.
- Make recommendations for a statutory assessment.
For further information about SEND support services available in County Durham, please see the Local Offer.
Durham County Council Local Offer
Durham SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
How We Secure Specialist Expertise
External specialists are referred to for additional support when planned provision in school is not sufficient to meet the needs of the child. Parents are involved with the referral process from the point of initial concerns being raised, and are encouraged to share their thoughts & observations with professionals to get a clear, rounded view of the child and their needs.
Our Additional Needs Budget is used to support children with SEND by;
- Funding referrals to paid services, e.g. Cognition & Learning, Educational Psychology services.
- Funding resources needed to act on the advice & recommendations of professionals, for example, Occupational Therapy equipment, sensory resources etc.
- Funding for blocks of private therapy (e.g. Speech & Language therapy) for children who have the most significant needs.
- Funding for additional teaching assistant support in classes to deliver interventions and provide targeted support.
If a child has complex special educational needs, we can seek additional ‘top up’ funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes on a child’s SEND Support Plan.